This is app has developed by using advanced Deep Learning methods to Identify persons special personalities such as, IQ, leadership skills, taking risks in chaotic situations by percentage and so on.
Firstly, why scanning face using Artificial Intelligence(a.k.a Deep Learning) results such kind of information of any person. Because your face shape and face index says much more about you. It is not just about face actually your all physical traits reveals your personality according to scientists . But how? It is about your DNA, because most personality characterizations encoded in your DNA and some genes of that molecular information shapes your body and face. Using the special numbers which inscribed on your can reveal very vital information about you.
There is some examples below:
1. People with strong personalities tend to have strong jaws.
2. More agreeable people have larger eyes.
3. Extroverted people tend to have larger lips.
4. People with larger noses have more ambition.
5. There are shared behaviors in people with the same eye color.
6. Men with larger facial width-to-height ratios are more aggressive.
7. People with densely packed crypts are more warmhearted, tender, trusting and likely to sympathize with others .